

Sunday, 26 January 2025

Re-freshed box.


Good morning, hope all in the UK have survived

the storm, it got pretty bad, I know many are still without power, and lots of damage. I managed to get away with the garden fencing folded up like paper and the concrete posts of two of them just crumbled, it was pretty nasty.


OK then, I have had this box more than thirty years, it once was a green colour and it contained a gift from my Mam, over the years I have re-covered it a few times, it started to look very tired again, so grabbed my favourite papers and here it is, some black around the top and a touch of gold rub, tah-dah. :))

I am quite pleased with it, saved for a few more years I hope.

Here is a picture of the before, it was pretty awful.

There we go, another one bites the dust.

Thats all again folks, must say abig THANK YOU for the comments last time, its so nice to see what you all think.

Take care.

Saturday, 18 January 2025

First thing I have posted since last year ....


Hi lovely people, so I haven't been able to create anything for a while and really speaking I still haven't. I saw this image on the lovely Brenda's blog and loved it so went grabbed one, coloured her up and just not got any mojo at all, whatsoever to make her into a card yet, but because of my lax-ness ( is that a word...) I thought I will just say, LOOK, I did something...hahaha.

You can find her and more HERE 
Will be trying to sort more things out before the month gets old, I miss crafting but, well, it just happens sometimes.

Thanks so much if you leave me a comment. 

Friday, 27 December 2024

Thinking of you card.


Sent this to a friend who hasn't been well at all over the last few weeks and has not had a great year. She is such a fun person, as soon as I saw these papers with these wonderful images I had to use.

I just did alittle stencilling around and on the inside too.

Left plenty of room for writing :)

Thats it, I hope she is feeling  abit better.


Did you all have a good Christmas, I was at my daughters, she did the most wonderful dinner, and of course she cooked far to much, but honestly it was fabulous, only down side my eldest son and his little family came down with this awful flu bug, he was very ill but thankfully now getting better. Looking forward to New years dinner, fingers crossed.

See you all in 2025.

Sunday, 22 December 2024

Merry Christmas.


Just popped in to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and I hope the new year brings joy and happiness to you.

Yesterday was a baking day for us, well mainly Mia, we do it every year just because, they never make it to the big day but thats fine , not the prettiest biscuits ever but we had fun, Mia does the best designs, me, well lets just say I messed up, alot, haha.

Some already gone before I got a chance to take a photo.!!

Right then, think thats about all, Have a lovely Christmas and try not to over indulge won't you, haha.

Love to all.

Monday, 9 December 2024

A snowflake topper


Morning all, I made one or two or these last year, anyone that's been before may remember, anyway, I just think they are a nice way to top a little gift, this one is all in black and gold, ...which seems to be a theme this year here.....

I die cut several snowflakes on paper I had already splashed lots of gold ink on. Then edged them with gold wax. After which you simply layer them up and crinkle a bit so to make them stand, put a nice little bobble in the centre and done..

Punched out a tag from the same paper too, its not one of my gifts, its for Mia who has bought this for her brother. all very hush hush, haha. I just hope its OK for a young man, I can go OTT at times :))

Before I added it ontop, should have shown this first I suppose, never mind it all counts. BTW, it you make it in light weight card or paper it frills up better, well my others did.

Thats all again, thanks to you girls that commented on yesterdays post, blogger is really messed up right now, fingers crossed it gets sorted soon.

Sunday, 8 December 2024

Anyone else having problems.

 Are any of you getting posts on your reading list from years ago. This started yesterday and is driving me nuts. Some go as far back as 10 years, blogs that have long since gone. Please say its not just me .......

Thankyou for any help you can

Thursday, 5 December 2024

A few little envelopes...


Hello everyone, sorry its been awhile since I posted but things were hectic here and I wasn't at my best, anyway, yesterday I sat in the kitchen and made a few money envelopes, these gorgeous papers are my latest grab from Temu, the designs are just gorgeous  and I couldn't resist using them for Christmas.

I simply did the fold and cut, then snipped the edges with my good old reliable rounder, honestly I have had that for years, Sizzex, fingers crossed it will carry on. This is them before I stuck the edges together.

This is them all ready to be filled with my cash, I am glad some of them still want cash, I hate the thought of a cashless society...But, those papers, do you agree they are stunning or is it just me.....
I am almost there with the gift shopping now, a few wanted GV and they are done, the little ones are getting gifts of course and I always have something for everyone to open, it wouldn't right not to, I still get excited with a gift do you .....
Thats about it for now, I will try to post again before the big day.
Do hope you are all keeping well, oh and BTW, I hope by now you have all had a card from me. Only a few have told me when they got theres, now heres the odd bit, I posted out before the end of November and so far they have all been arriving at odd times, hope you get one anyway.

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Re-freshed box.

  Good morning, hope all in the UK have survived the storm, it got pretty bad, I know many are still without power, and lots of damage. I ma...