

Friday 26 July 2024

A card and a Journal page...


Hi everyone, are you having a nice day....I have been having a play as I am all sorted for the weekend i.e. the house is clean and washing and ironing done, haha, so I can play in peace !!!

OK, so I got this image from Mo this week as I like it, found out after I already had it and felt silly for forgetting, but anyway, it makes a cute card all ready for the season.

Used Copic and PM to colour up, the stamp is from a set I bought last year I think, layered up on some fine darker paper and then onto card stock. I kept inside plain, just stamped a Merry Christmas wish, all done.

And then did a journal page, nothing wonderful, the background is some gorgeous grungy paper I picked up and then added some bits and bobs I had in a drawer.

I covered a wood heart from my stash with same paper and splashed about with ink then added some of Tim's finest sentiment strips. I enjoyed making these today. 

In other news I FINALLY signed up to the monthly Patreon page for Mo's, I have always said I would buy as I go, but I thought I pay all the time so may as well do this..fingers crossed its ok.

Thats all from me for now, I hope your looking forward to the opening of the Olympic games today, I love it I really do, just hope it stays peaceful.

Have a lovely weekend, take care. 

Wednesday 17 July 2024

A couple of things today.


Good Morning and what a sunny day, how odd, haha.

I have made a few things, one is a Christmas card can you believe, and a couple of  little note books, I have these thing laying around all over the place, I can't help myself if I see a few left over papers from when the kids have been playing around, they lend themselves so well to this.

The silver is older and I think it shows.

Remember this 'card', well I wasn't happy with it so its now a nice little book, either myself or Mia will find use for it..

And a little stamp inside too.

Btw, I did sew the papers in with wax thread .

Now this little mess was laying around for awhile until last week when I was gathering papers and bright spark here thought a book cover might be good, so, here you go, a 'long tall Sally' as I like to call these.

See, lots of different papers made to good use.

Finally my Christmas card, its a 'MO' image and I just liked it, however, its been awhile since I coloured anything up so be kind people. :))

I used Promarkers, layered her up on some red card and did give  her a sprinkling of glitter, look at the joy on her face, so sweet.

That's all you may be glad to hear, as a little footnote, the curtain drama had to be put to bed as it was driving me mad, they offered me a 'slight' discount, which considering they messed up was abit of an insult, so in the end, my eldest son Lee, just took them all back yesterday and got a full refund, I am abit sad because I did love them, but I am back to square one, I will get there... 

That is it, see you on your blogs ladies, enjoy the sunshine while we can.

Sunday 14 July 2024

Happy dull and miserable Sunday to you too !!!!!


Hi lovely people, I hope all is well wherever you may be. If your in the UK then, like me, you must be so fed up sick and tired by now of the worse summer I can remember....and thats along time....its been shocking hasn't it...oh well, off to the craft room for some.


I made this quick tag from a background I had played with, just the usual stamps and splashes, so I cut it into a tag shape, added some die cut shapes, and a tab top and done, nothing amazing but its ok.

Also it was my youngest grandson Gabriels birthday on the 3rd, so I had to make him a couple of tags, would you believe his favourite character in Harry Potter is the awful beggers belief, whats up with this kid, I keep asking my son hahaha. So I downloaded from google and layered them up and he absolutely loved them more than his very expensive gifts, I tell you I can't win, haha.

Oh well, we are all different I suppose. :))

Last but not least about the decorating, what a time I have had, I don't want to bore you all to death but its been alot to take and everything kept going wrong from walls to the rug I ordered and my curtains from Dunelm, which arrived and were the wrong drop...honestly I want to scream alot, to top it all I had to get a roofer out to fix the chimney, its been ready for doing but it all came at once and its not cheap is it, he did a beautiful job and now I feel safer for when the gales hit, I live in a very open area and the wind gets crazy at times, so job done. Other than that all is well I hope.

Sorry but phew !!!!!

Enjoy your day, maybe you are lucky and have some sunshine, everyone my side of the border is getting ready for the big match tonight, I hope they can pull it off, come on England I need some light in my life, hahaha.

Friday 5 July 2024

Happy Friday and I am still up to my neck in it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Good morning lovely people, I hope you all had a good week.

The decorating is coming to an end, we had a few hiccups along the way so it delayed the process, but nearing the end, I will be grateful when its all done...

OK, so I went into my room yesterday not knowing  what I wanted to do, then I grabbed my little journal and did another page similar to one I have done before but different...

Started with some black ink then added some gold and orange because it was abit too dark for my liking, did some stamping added some bubbles and a few squiggly lines, splashed some ink about then got one of my lovely Temu butterflies out, mounted it onto card and fussy cut, then stuck with some silicone dots and the TH came out to play with the word strips, done...tah dah....

Tried to get a view of the wings, they stay lifted because of the foam under each wing.

Thats it for today, or maybe for a few days who knows, my  poor youngest son is doing top coats today, its a nice day so we can have the doors open, he gets so concerned about the effects this all has on my health, bless him.. Its also Carla's birthday today, she is now 45yrs old, omgoodness worse still my eldest son Lee will be 48 next month, I swear the years have just flown.
Thankyou so much for being here and any comments you leave, always appreciated. 
Have a lovely weekend.

Wednesday 3 July 2024

Welcome July...


Good morning and happy July. I always loved the month of July, not so sure now as the worlds weather is so crazy now, but at least we aren't in the path of this awful hurricane, bless those that are.


I was sent packing to my little craft room yesterday as my son is decorating my lounge, can someone explain to me why when you do one room the whole house is upside down and these days I do not do well with 'upside down' haha, but hey, who cares I am getting a lovely refresh and can't wait, new blinds, some gorgeous new curtains from Dunelm, cushions to match, (I have a thing about cushions) my kids laugh at me but we all something, haha. I would love a new suit but thats not happening yet...YET...:))

OK, phew, onto why I am here, I made this card from scraps, Pinky is forever doing this and I was determined to do some, so I did and really enjoyed piecing it all up. 

Tried to cut as many strips as possible and then stuck them in random order, made the sentiment into a tag, its from I stencil I have, its actually a clock and this is the centre, then added a faux clip with a TH screw and medal, had to raid my jewellery making stash to fine the long pin, I think it looks ok.

Just a slight stencil of the clock inside.

Thats that one , next up is this

Its just a small gift tag I made for Mia, she hasn't been well with Covid so I sent her some bits she wanted and made this, the cover is from a set of papers that came in the pack below.

I love them, just cut to size and edged with gold paste, also added a touch to the centre of the flowers, needless to say its going in her scrapbook.
Gosh you must be fed up by now, sorry for the long post, thanks so much for getting this far.
OK, off I go again, who knows what today will bring, I am washing everything inbetween  getting out of the fume filled room, my son gets so annoyed with me about this, haha, just keep going Gra, I am fine, hahaha.
Have a lovely day wherever you may be, take care.

Wednesday 26 June 2024

New page


Managed to get shut of a few more bits and bobs that have been lying around forever.

A very simple page today, the background is inked with distress inks, then I found some rub ons that have been in the drawer far to long, so they have a spot, and then some little stickers plus a sentiment tab, a few splashes, of course, and that was enough as by this time I was melting.

Here are the rub ons I used, they are 49th and Market I think.

Thats all for now, short and sweet as I know all the UK are basking while we still have some sunshine, fingers crossed it will last abit longer, heaven knows we waited long enough.

Have a lovely day. 

Friday 21 June 2024

Using up some bits and bobs...


Good morning, who's glad its Friday, I know I am , no reason why just fancy a nice weekend...:))

Right then, yesterday inbetween doing abit of gardening and coming in for a cool down, I had these bits on my desk, so had a play and this is what I came up with.

I had been trying out a new EF on scraps of paper, so used a touch of gilding paste, added a butterfly and layered it up, sadly the butterfly looks a tad dark on the photo, but he is quite lovely, trust me...... its quite small really but you never know it could come in handy..

Kept it plain inside and the stamp is from a set I bought a few years ago from Craftstash.

Thats it people, hope your all enjoying the weather, makes a lovely change for us I know and as yesterday was the longest day!!! we need to get a move on enjoying summer :))

Have a lovely weekend, be happy.

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A card and a Journal page...

  Hi everyone, are you having a nice day....I have been having a play as I am all sorted for the weekend i.e. the house is clean and washing...