

Friday, 9 July 2010

Someones nicked my background.....

Whats going lovely background has gone walkabout.....just left with a stupid off to investigate....anyone else got same problem..xxxx


Wishcraft said...

Ooh I just checked and mine's gone too, hope they come back! Lisa x

Hetty said...

Ja de mijne is ook weg moet maar een andere gan zoeken

gr hetty


Hi Janette
Yes it as happened to me it seems that someome had put them on photobucket giving them away so they have had to take them of for a while,
Hugs Dianne xx

Janette said...

Thanks girls....have been to see can I get a new one and now that won't upload.....will have to keep trying.xx

Aunty Sue said...

oops not nice hope you get it sorted never mind you might start a new trend. lol. Not the naked chef but the naked blogger

Janette said...

Trust me when I DO NOT want me as a naked blogger...pmsl...xx

bluebell-flowerwood said...

hi janneta have just looked at your blog you now have 2 flower strips down the side of your blog,love bluebell. thanks for poping bye my blog x.

XxJULESxX said...

HI Janette i tried to follow your blog earlier but it wouldn't let me!it has now though Tilly Trotter and i where talking about this topic with your blog background earlier today!

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