

Friday, 8 October 2010

What the......

Tell me that someone else is having blogger probs.....OMG am sick of it, now my dashboard is just not coming up...ggggrrrrrr, had a week or so of not being able to comment on some to try again......

On another note.....I do hope you ladies are all having a pleasent day


coops said...

yep, me too!!!! blooming thing, am having to manually go through my blog list, what a pain in the rear.grrr

xx coops xx

bluebell-flowerwood said...

hi janneta,i am finding it hard to get on the bloggs that i look at to,love bluebellx.

chris said...

I'm with you, my dashboard is wierd, everything is so big. wont fit on the page.

Merry said...

My dashboard has changed too....thought it may be a revamp...not sure if I like it.

tilly said...

My dashboard pics are massive>>>>>>>>>>>> thought it was just me! not been around much this week
Tilly x

Anonymous said...

Same here - driving me nuts!

Jackie said...

Same here Janette but thatnk goodness it's back to normal now :o)
Jackie xx

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