

Monday, 8 November 2010

What a fab award..

Shirley...aka Nannieflash, has been kind enough to give me this award. It really is so lovely to get these, don't you agree, only problem is finding 5 others to pass it onto....your all so brilliant, have to give it some thought, try and be
The conditions on accepting it are to state 3 things that make you different... and pass onto 5 others.
1.I would craft day and night if I could....
2.I have made so many friends through crafting...
3.I would love to have more money to spend on it....
I can't think that any of that is what you would class as 'different' but thats all I can
I would love to pass this onto the following
Christine...who has enough attitude for us is a fab friend
Sue, just because...she is brilliant
Dianne,a wonderful lady...
Margaret, fab crafter and story teller
Jackie,for all her kind and encouraging comments.

So thats that girls, wish I could give it to you all.
To collect your $5 award go here to digiswithattitude


Lizzy said...

Congrats on the award hun ~ take care

xx Lizzy xx :)


Hi Janette
Thankyou for this fabulous award and for thinking of me,
Love and Hugs
Dianne xx

Jackie said...

Hi Janette, thank you so much for this fab award and thinking of me, I will go away and try to sort out 5 blogs and 3 things that make me different before I accept it :o)
Jackie xx

Hetty said...

Van harte gefeliciiteerd met je Award

gr hetty

tilly said...

Thanks for the lovely award, not sure what to do with it though---- lol
Tilly x

Margarets designer cards said...

Hi Jeanette,

Thank you for the lovely award, I will follow the rules and find 5 blogs to pass it on. thank you for thinking of me take care Hugs Margaret xx

Shree's Blog said...

Ooohhhh well done Jeanette,

I am loving this site, what delights you always have in store for us, lol to all the family, speak soon and do take care, xx

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