

Monday, 14 November 2011

CraftBarn 600 followers candy...

The Craft Barn are giving this brilliant candy, worth over £ celebrate getting to the 600 followers mark, it's open till November 25th, well worth a look....good luck girls.xx


Liz's creative corner said...

Oh thanks for the info Janette, looks brill

But what! no tag!!!!! lol, xx see you soon, did you buy all the shop? or have you left me anything he he xx

tilly said...

I already know because it has MY name on it !!!!!!!!
did you like my burgandy ribbon on Saturday ????
broke my heart and brads too!!
Oh it's Tilly

tilly said...

NOT A REAL OVEN, LIKE A BIG DISH WITH CONTROLS ON TOP...............need to find how to cook stuff with it now........I went from one blog to another as you do..... it's a long story, and ended up buying this lol
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Tilly xxxxxxxxxxxx

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