

Friday, 30 March 2012

Anyone having comment probs........

Afternoon girlies, am at screaming point with blogger this afternoon, anyone else get this when trying to do it......

Have tried sorting and getting nowhere, so sorry but I can't leave you a comment at all...xxxxxx

Footnote.....It's fixed girls, do not know how, but it's gone ok, still doing catching


Mandy said...

Ummmm you've broke blogger lol.
Oh hun blogger has been a pain in the bum lately, I keep getting error 503 and a blank screen when trying to comment.
Have you looked in blogger help and reported it or seen if there are any suggestions to try and fix it? If not pop in there and see if that helps at all, I've found solutions in there a couple of times
hugs Mandy xx

Margarets designer cards said...

Hi Janette,

I think we are all suffering with blogger, these words half of which I can't read, and then iPad changes them while I am trying to get the comment published, Blogger should realise we are not aliens from outer space but real people ( no crafters)

Have a nice weekend and hope the weather holds a little bit longer.

tilly said...

don't talk to me about not being able to leave comments FOR 4 WEEKS!!!

Carole of Brum said...

Sigh! I love how when Blogger makes some improvements, everything stops working properly!!

Must have been some glitch, glad you got it sorted. Cob

Mina said...

Im having the same problems Janette...its taking me ages to comment
Mina xxx

Teresa said...

Stunning card Janette, problems with blogger? what problems? lol just kiddin' I keep getting error 503 all the time too, it's driving me nuts!

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