

Friday 14 March 2014

CraftyCatz challenge 222....

Good Morning..
Well yet another week has gone and here we are again with a brand new challenge for you..
Before I tell you all about it, we would like to say a big friendly 'Hi' to our newest DT member..
Hope your enjoying the experience so far Donna...

Our challenge this week ,at CraftyCatz was chosen by our lovely Nick, she is taking a little break after this one..
Do hope she will be back real soon...
The theme is 
Boys and their Toys.
Our sponsor is
They not only gave us some fab images to use, but they also added one of there wonderful DT
this is Charlene's gorgeous creation

And some info on DS4J
 I first started crafting when my son was in his second year of Beavers. My husband and I became leaders that year with 2 other wonderful people. I found that I had a knack for finding ways of making crafts for the Beavers to do that were cute but inexpensive. I moved on from Beavers into Guiding and followed my daughter through her 2 years of Sparks and Brownies and her first year of Guides. When she left I continued on for a few years. During this time I found that I loved making things by hand for when I was introduced to making cards 3 years ago, I jumped into it enthusiastically. And I have never regretted it.
OK then, my card is not the best, you all know I hate doing Man
Image coloured with Flexi's
all other bits and bobs from stash..
 I hope you will come along and join us,
We are also having a GDT call for next month, just add GDT to your entry, easy as pie
I think I have gone on long enough, this is a long post....phew..
Hope we have some nice week-end weather, the week has been gorgeous here in the sunny NW of
Having said that late Wednesday night,a real heavy mist came in from the sea,( got a bit edgy in case it was Blake and his if you never watched 'The Fog,' that was lost on you, sorry...
Well, as I write this it is still with us, can't see across the fields, back or front, I am surrounded...
By the way I am scheduling this post so hope by Friday morning it has buggered off...
Take care,
Hugs Janette.



Morning Janette
A fabulous and wonderful card great colour's and layout have a lovely weekend
Hugs Dianne xx :)

Pop's Cards said...

Hey sweetie this is simply stunning, huggles Pops x x x

Jackie said...

Brilliant man card Janette, don't know why they worry you :o)
Jackie xx

Unknown said...

Janette, this card is perfect! Maybe you hate doing these, but it's fabulous! Love this skin (?) details and these little sheets of written papers are awesome! Have a nice weekend!
Anna xxx

XxJULESxX said...

Just gorgeous Janette!!

Kim said...

fabulous card Janette and love the layout! 'The Fog' eh? creepy stories now as well as cards!
Kim x

coops said...

stunning male card janette.i love your distressing and details and the image is brilliant ;D

xx coops xx

NickScrapShack said...

I think you nailed this challenge! I love the rope, papers, staplers etc

Have a great week

Nicky said...

You might had doing man cards but this one is perfect love it

Jac’s Playground said...

Love this Janette, your colouring of the great image is fab, have a great week xx

Wishcraft said...

Fab card Janette, love all your details... looks like a great male card to me :o) Hugs, Lisa x

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