

Sunday, 27 August 2023

Happy Bank holiday weekend...


Hi everyone, I hope you are all feeling well and are doing whatever makes you happy on this long weekend here in the UK. The last one until Christmas now so make the most of it.

I wasn't going to post these on here, they are the usual things I make for Carla to help out with her classroom ahead of the new term, but 'Madam' posted them on FB and Insta, much to my surprise, { I don't really post on either } so thought I will add to blog , doing as 'teacher' says, hahaha

This is rather large, big frame painted black and added decals, it will be on the main wall where all the children get the work added.

this one is a book, I really didn't do much apart from add the wording

I never asked what this is about, I suppose it will maybe follow the class work throughout the year, not sure, nice idea though.

Next up is a book each child gets to take home each week if they are the star that week, between us I think they all get a chance....well I hope so anyway...

I had to paint this black first, then added some nice spotty DP I had, sorry about the picture, the lighting is shocking...

inside I just added these die cuts I found that a friend sent me many moons ago, I just like it.:))

Thats it for her so far, fingers crossed, for me anyway, she works so hard to make her classroom a good place for the little ones to enjoy learning she really does, anyone that thinks Teachers get so much time off , have never seen the work they do when school is closed. The rooms are stripped back completely, Carla has been back and forth all the holidays adding new themes to the walls and making sure everything is fresh and clean and ready for the little ones. She is actually Deputy head of her school but loves to teach as well, she works extremely hard.


Thats all for today, thankyou to all that tried to help out with my printing/colouring problems. Still no luck, just hope it will sort itself out sooner or later. xxx


Chris said...

These are lovely Janette and I'm sure Carla appreciates your help in making her classroom a lovely environment for the children. My daughter is a teacher too, currently working with severely SEN children, hard work, sometimes distressing but she loves the kids to bits. I know how much work goes on 'behind the scenes' and am looking forward to helping her finish getting her classroom ready on Tuesday (apparently I'm in charge of the hedgehog display board!) Hope you're enjoying the long weekend too.

crafty-stamper said...

These are brilliant for the classroom and great idea.My DIL is manageress of a Nursery with some SEN children and my contribution is saving the boxes of things we buy and sealing them for them to use in the play shop-think I am a bit enthusiastic though practically save everything lol
Carol x

Mrs.B said...

These are fabulous Janette, I bet Carla's classroom will have a lovely atmosphere to work in and I'm sure the children will be excited to take that book home.
Hope you're enjoying the holiday weekend.
Avril xx

As.I.Do.Rodos. said...

What a fabulous idea Carla's classroom will be please with it. Hop you are enjoying the long weekend I am dog sitting ☺
My Blog As I do Rodos

creationsnz said...

So nice that she includes you in her prep - I'm sure you enjoy it as much as the kids will. CarolG

Chrissy said...

Wow what a great help you are Janette and they all look fabulous. I nearly asked a dumb question, but the read what you said again about the decals, so we won't go there..
I think these beautiful projects and the incentive for the kids to make it, is a fabulous idea and I respect all teachers very much....


Brenda said...

Oh, Janette, it is so nice you are helping Carla make her room so special. My father was an elementary school principal. so teachers have a special place in my heart. Your creations look so professional!

pinky said...

Carla is so lucky to have you Janette. These are brilliant and I know my hubby would have loved them when he was teaching. And yes, you are so right. He spent most of his 'time off' either in the classroom working on stuff or up to all hours each night!

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