

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Sorry about this...

Hi all, just wanted to tell you that I have tried and tried to leave comments and just can't.....I can't upload any pics either, it's doing my nut in I'm telling you, feel cut off from you all, am off to try again....hope your all well.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


MagsB said...

*hugs* I sympathise, it's so frustrating! Good luck!

love Mags B x

tilly said...

Oh Dear Janette
I know the feeling from a few weeks ago......... pleased you managed to get on my blog..... by the way, Jules can't leave comments on yours she was saying this week!
Hugs Tilly x

Anonymous said...

Hope you get it sorted soon!

Carole of Brum said...

How frustrating, Janette, blogger is so annoying when it stops you joining in. Have you tried using Google Chrome? Seems to help with a lot of Blogger problems. Hope everything is back to normal soon. CoB

Vicky said...

So sorry to hear you are having problems hun...I use firefox and touch wood (bang I have no real issues...

take care sweetie..and I hope we see your gorgeous creations soon...

big hugs Vicky xx

Craftin Suzie (Susan Wykes) said...

Oh Janette so sorry about your problems must be so frustrating!! I changed to Google Chrome and its much better don't know it that's any help to you or not!! Hopefully see you soon xx

coops said...

oh i hope you get it sorted soon hun.take care.

xx coops xx

Margarets designer cards said...

Hi Janette,

I hope you can things sorted, sending you a big hug

Jackie said...

Oh dear, better luck next time...hugs
Jackie xx

Vicky said...

Oh sweetie I hope you manage to get it sorted. I had problems until I used google chrome & now thankfully everything is fine & I've had no more problems.
Fingers crossed you get sorted shug.

Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx

Carole of Brum said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Donna Mosley said...

Aww! Janette, hope you get it sorted hun. It drives you crackers does'nt it? I changed to Firefox and that did the trick.

Donna x

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