

Wednesday 27 June 2012



Afternoon Bloggers, are you all having a good week so far.....OR....are you not enjoying it ....well I am as mad as hell, I really am....Firstly, the box above was one I made for a very kind friends Birthday, I posted it with some other bits and bobs, hoping it would have plenty of time to reach her....that was over a week went by First class post and NOT Pony Express....lost in this is not the first time this has Christmas two friends went without there Christmas gift because it just never arrived....EVERYONE else seems to get there's so what the $%*& is going on with our IF by some miracle you see this anywhere....IT'S MINE AND I WANT IT BACK for poor Jules, well I will be trying again, only this time it will be tracked....bloody post office........someone, somewhere has my friends pressie.....not funny at all....

Ontop of all that I have just been told my blog is full............................................................................WHAT....................................................................they want me to start PAYING for my Blog....well they can kiss my way am I falling for this one......another blogging friend, Carole at Apples and Pears has a post about now I have to go dump loads of if you see lots of black holes on my pages...sorry...bloggers greedy fault not mine........times are hard enough without having to pay more and more for each and every little pleasure we have.........I just can't cope with it all, we should all make a stand instead of just paying the fat cats.....RANT OVER...sorry.....xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Pauline said...

Oh Janette, how frustrating. I hope your posted box turns up in one piece! And I did not know about this blog being full with pics thing, what a cheek! Chin up, go and make something pretty and de stress!

Riet said...

So beautiful,I love the image and the colours.

Hugs Riet.xx

Doreen said...

I am afraid if I started about post office I wouldn't stop...I do feel for you.xxxx

Carole of Brum said...

Awwww Janette, what an awful shame that your box has gone missing in the post, Royal Mail has a lot to answer for especially after they have hiked up the stamp prices yet again. I hope it does eventually turn up, horrible to think that it has got damaged or lost or stolen. I had a birthday card go missing last month, very maddening.

Now your blog.....first of all, DON'T PANIC CAPTAIN MAINWARING, lol. Try resizing your images before uploading them, there are instructions in that blog post you mention but if you need more help with this let me know. That will let you upload photos in the meantime while you sort out what you are going to delete.

In Picasa under the Home tab, have you got any private Design Team blog albums showing (for instance, you should have one called Dream Valley Design Team)? You should be safe to delete photos in these albums: don't worry, the projects will still show on your personal blog, it will just get rid of them from the private DT blog where you upload your projects for the challenge boss to put on the public challenge blog. I don't yet know if this will stop them displaying on the public challenge blog, so delete your oldest photos first, not the most recent ones just in case.

You can edit your blog posts and sidebar to get rid of those black squares that are showing up. Let me know if you need more help.

Carole of Brum said...

Forgot to say: if you've used all your storage, you might have to just sit down and go through old posts to see what photos you can do without, or make some hard decisions about deleting old projects. An alternative is to replace photos with resized smaller versions, although this would be pretty time-consuming. CoB

Margarets designer cards said...

Hi Janette

You have a rant, the postman put my post next door today, he could not walk a yard to my box, yep one b... Yard. The next road on his round yes I often get there mail totally different road name and post code but instead of walking all the way up there their post gets put in my box, snail mail, I did have to pay for a letter which my friend had weighed at the post office when it got to me they asked for more money. Grrrrrrrrrrr
It was a lovely box and I hope it turns up,

Not been not been asked for any money for my blog, they will differently stick it up their ass, I am not paying.

Go girl you tell them

Hugs Margaret

Craftin Suzie (Susan Wykes) said...

Ooops not a good day Janette! I can honestly say I have never had anything go missing in the post and I wonder why because I do get a lot ( I am sure this is the kiss of death and the 3 items I have ordered today will never show up now lol)!! I have heard about this [problem with blogger Chrissy had the same problem but overcame it by doing what you are going to do! Good luck Janette I don't envy you but I guess we will all have to face it at some point in which case I will be asking your advice!!

Its a beautiful box I do hope it turns up or whoever has it appreciates it lol!! Hugs Susan xx

carol said...

aw poor Jules, going without on her Birthday, ooh and you need to take care of the old blood pressure me dear i can see the steam coming out of your ears from
Your creation looks lovely x carol

kay said...

hope you feel better for your rant janette,shame about that gorgeous box,maybe it will turn up,x

Donna Mosley said...

Janette, hun, I am not surprised you're fed up about the post, it's rubbish! We had a case up here last year where a postie had loads of post in his house that he hadn't delivered. The box is stunning, really hope it turns up. Did'nt realise the stuff about blogger. :o(

Donna x

Mrs.B said...

Hi Janette, I'll join your rant because I know what you mean about the post. DD has spent 4 yrs at Uni, Get well cards, B/Day cards and forwarded post have gone missing - and postage isn't cheap! Thanks for the warning about Blogger- I'll know what to do if it happens to me.
Try and enjoy the rest of the day.

Wishcraft said...

Aww no, hope your lovely box turns up! So annoying when post goes missing. Hope you can get your blog problem sorted too - should be fine if you resize your pics as others have said xx Hugs, Lisa x

Alyce Kit and Clowder said...

Wha??? You have to pay??? What a rip! I never knew about this but if I have to pay I am gonna be one angry chickie! Love the colouring on your beautiful box...the pleats and shading look so real! :)

June Nelson said...

Thats awful when you spend somuch time craeating a beautiful gift to be lost!!! ruddy royal mail!! they charge enough too!! its a beautiful box darlin ever so pretty huggies June xxxxx

Jackie said...

A beautiful box Janette, I do hope it turns up very soon...hugs
Sorry to hear about your blogger usage problems, I hope you can get it sorted out...hugs
Jackie xx

bluebell-flowerwood said...

hi janneta,well you are not on your own i have sent cards to people and they have never got them. ordered thing for craft and have never turned up. i made a fuss about one thing,but never got to the bottom of i am soory that it has happened to you to. we have a package with bt for our computer and we pay for so much computer time but it is not exspensive. love bluebell-flowerwood.

Patricia Garcia said...

I am sorry to hear all this going on, this box is stunning, I am sorry it got lost.


Viv said...

It's a lovely box, how annoying the PO lost it. I have had stuff go missing too, jewellery I made for people and I know how annoying it is.Hope it turns up soon. As for too many photo's on your blog, not heard that one before but I did hear about people uploading them from photobucket as an alternative....I think that helps for some reason??:) Viv xx

tilly said...

Missed this one Janette!!
So sorry to hear the box went missing, I hope it has turned up by now!! it is beautiful as usual!

Not heard about blogger wanting money before, not much chance of that from here lol
Tilly x

Unknown said...

oh dear hunnie im sorry the post office have lost your gift to your friend there a pain in the bum..and as prices are so hiked up its so annoying i sent two parcels the other week one contained three cards in boxes and a gift cost 2-90p then i sent another card in box just one and it was the same price 2-90 that one out...bloomin furious,,,i do hope it turns up..hugs sassyxxxx

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