

Friday, 14 April 2017

CraftyCatz challenge #366...ATG...

Good morning and a very Happy Easter to you all, as it's Good Friday it's a no meat day in my house, so lots of fish, tuna and the like going on, as I am scheduling this post, I hope the weather has picked up a touch, today..{Wednesday } is freezing, I actually have the heating on....brrrrrrr..
OKAY then, this week at CraftyCatz  it is ATG as always and the OPTIONAL twist, chosen by my lovely friend and DT pal, AUNTYSUE, is animals..{why Sue why..!!!! you know I'm rubbish creating anything with}
Our lovely sponsor  this week is Crafty Sentiments
Prize details on the challenge blog...
They kindly provided the images for us to use..
I chose Stanley heart balloons
He is coloured with Flexmarkers, that balloon of his looks black but it's more slate in colour, card stock paper mill, sentiment pc generated machine stitching..{.and I must confess to you, I had to put that corner on as I made a mess with some ink, scream...but it looks ok I think....}
I would like to enter the following...Craftycreationschallenge ATG... 
Craftyaddictschallengeblog...ATG optional CAS..
That's all for now, I hope you all have a blessed Easter, enjoy the eggs if your lucky enough to get some, if not, buy one for yourself, why not I say.....
Thanks for your visit, see you all


Aunty Sue said...

loving the new look Janette very professional. Fab card and love your colouring of this bear. Have a good weekend and dont eat too much chocolate like me.

carol said...

Morning Janette...ooh you have been creative with your blog, looks good,
Love your card and colour choice, Happy Easter, hugs x carol

Caz said...

Morning and happy easter...fab card...have great weekend

Oh love the new look blog..How did you do that..?

Jac’s Playground said...

Happy Easter Janette, love the card , never would've known that corner wasn't supposed to be there, it looks like it was always meant to be there! Have a great week xx

As.I.Do.Rodos. said...

Fabulous and so cute Ginny x
My Blog As I do Rodos

Chrissy said...

Oh, you have nothing to worry about Janette..your little Bear is gorgeous and your colouring is FABulous..awesome CAS card and the corner looks just like it should be there..I had one of those oop's moments happen yesterday...Happy Easter.


NickScrapShack said...

Wonderful design Janette. Great coloured as always as well. I like the new look on your blog to.
Happy Easter! Nick

Margarets designer cards said...

Beautiful bear, beautiful colouring and layout
Happy Easter hope you have a great time

Naomi Johnson said...

Loving the new blog layout. Great card. Love the vintage monochrome vibe. Happy Easter - hope you have a wonderful weekend. Naomi x

Mrs.B said...

A lovely card Janette, and that bear is adorable. Love the corner design - thought it was meant to be there!
Have a lovely Easter
Avril xx

Merry said...

I like the corner on your card I think it finishes it off nicely. Best thing about mistakes they get us trying something different. Love the bear image.

Merry said...

I like the corner on your card I think it finishes it off nicely. Best thing about mistakes they get us trying something different. Love the bear image.

Elizabeth Hart said...

Such a fun and charming card with that sweet bear. Thanks so much for joining us this time at the Crafty Creations challenge, Elizabeth (DT)


Gorgeous card Janette and hope you had a lovely Easter week end
Dianne xx :)

Creaine said...

very nice. Thanks for joining us at The Crafty Addicts.
Bye, Groetjes van Ine (DT)

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