

Friday, 14 February 2020

CraftyCatz challenge #493 ATG and a question at the end....

Good morning and a Happy Valentines day.
Surprisingly enough this weeks challenge chosen by our lovely Ginny isn't Valentines, its Critters..
We have a wonderful sponsor again S.O.G.
Andrea kindly supplied images for this one but I have used my own, you will find them all in the link above. Not only that, but the prize is $10 but if you use one of the sponsor images and win you get double that, all details on the challenge blog...
Here is my card using this cute Farming Bunny.
Image coloured with promarkers, the 'hello' is  diamond press, wood heart from stash and I added a touch of gold foil, the corrigated card is also stash but I think I bought when one of the online craft shops was closing.

Thats it friends, I hope you will come over and join the fun, and see the girls great creations.
So, I have a question, for those of you who have comment waiting do you ever NOT add a perfectly normal comment to your post....I ask because I recently found that someone I have left comments for on a daily basis has been doing just that to my comments, why!!!!!...really can't think, I have never had a cross word or done anything to my knowledge to this person, but I found out quite by accident and went through post after post, I was shocked and very upset. but now decided to just let it go. It could be that gossip was the cause in which case its done me a good turn, I hate gossips, they make things hard for people and they never have the truth. I just wondered about anyone else, I just can't believe that anyone would do this, I mean we all love our if you have any ideas I would love to hear them and I will publish you can be sure of that, PHEW, glad to get that off my chest...haha...
Thanks to everyone that comes here and does read my blog and does leave a comment, I so appreciate you all.
Enjoy your weekend, stay safe, UK has another storm heading our way, this one is storm Dennis...oh no the Menace.....I hope he blows through pretty


As.I.Do.Rodos. said...

Fantastic card love the image you have used Ginny
My Blog As I do Rodos

Chris said...

Adorable Bunny, fabulous colouring and a lovely design in my favourite blues and browns, love that corrugated card and the torn paper, gives it a lovely rustic look!
Can't imagine why anyone would would want to do that to your comments Janette, seems very rude and unappreciative of your time and effort- don't waste any more time worrying about it! I was once on a DT where one of the team never published anyone's comments...and I know she received loads...maybe it's something like that.
stay safe from that storm!

Aunty Sue said...

Hi Janette love this card and always appreciate your comments. Have a good weekend

Jackie T said...

Hi Janette this is a gorgeous card. That image is so cute. I love it. Take care. Hugs Jackie

Jackie T said...

Hi Janette it is me again. I had to turn on Comment Moderation because of spam comments. I check every day and publish all the nice ones. Please don't let this person spoil things for you. Take care Hugs Jackie

Pop's Cards said...

I love this what a happy card, i love the torn card a real vintage feel to it...

I get horrid comments all the time, about things I get for free, I just delete them, I am on 2 dt's so get some images for free, I also get sent ribbon, and card to use from a secret sender, but almost every card I make goes to the hardship fund at the hospital to make a little bit of money for them, so I take what they say with a pinch of salt and just delete the negative ones, to be honest I rarely get any comments nowadays but I just craft for pleasure knowing that others will get pleasure from my creations and maybe pay for a dinner for a struggling family, and that makes me super happy, so hold your head high and just ignore them...

I love what you do (hugs) Pops x

crafty-stamper said...

Love the image and great colouring and shading,love the corrugated card too.So rude leaving your comments off-i don't have comment waiting so not too sure
Carol x

Chrissy said...

What an adorable little bunny digging away in his garden, his expression is a bit like mine when it comes to gardening..FABulous card..Do not worry about that person and do not leave any more comments, not worth the effort, I'm so grateful for comments I think I published spam


Lisa Andersson said...

What a cutie! Love your design, so beautiful, and love your shading looks fantastic. Fabulous card!
I don't have comments waiting but I always appreciate your comments very much, Janette.
Just a thought...I have had trouble leaving comments on some blogs earlier and I couldn't understand why my comments never showed up...but found out I had to go through google chrome on these blogs... so maybe it's a technical issue... or maybe not...I don't know. Anyway it's so rude leaving your comments off if that's the case but don't worry about that person.
Hope you had a wonderful Valentine Day and have a super weekend.
Lots of hugs, Lisa

Mrs.B said...

It's a lovely card Janette, that bunny is so sweet.
I don't have comments waiting and think it's just as easy to delete spam, but if you're checking comments I can't understand why you leave one off???
If someone's doing that - just stop leaving comments, they're not worth the bother.
Stay safe and have a great weekend.
Avril xx

Jac’s Playground said...

Gorgeous card Janette, love how you've cut him out and fab use of the corrugated card. Cant understand why anyone wouldn't publish comments, it's always so nice to receive them and know that people out there are appreciating our work, don't worry bout that person Janette and don't spend your time commenting on their work anymore they obviously don't appreciate your visit. Have a great week and stay safe from Dennis, its pretty wild, wet and windy down here in Dorset so I'm staying in and crafting! xxx

creationsnz said...

Just ignore any unhelpful/nasty comments Janette, they are not worth your time. Hang on to the positive/good comments people make.
Your work is always interesting and beautifully done. This one is very cute and I love your various textures. CarolG

Brenda said...

Such a cute bunny and the corrugated cardboard is the perfect background. Love it! As for the commenting, don't waste another second with worry and most certainly don't let her dull your brilliant sparkle!

pinky said...

Ach this is just adorable Janette! Such a super cute image, beautifully coloured and I love the corrugated finish!! I didn't even know you could have comments waiting! What's the point of it!! Just ignore it. We can't take things personal in this giant crazy land Janette. I LOVE getting your comments, really appreciate your time and love coming to visit your very inspirational blog! Love you!!

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