

Thursday 28 April 2022

I can't believe its already Thursday.....


Honestly the weeks are flying and I am at abit of a standstill. Its all very odd, Mia has gone back to Uni for the last of her work and to wrap up her first year.....can you believe it, and then she won't be going back there  until October!!!!!! thats of course when they have to live off Campus and that scares the heck out of me, but they have all been house hunting and found something nice, I like that all eight of them are sticking together, when I first heard it was a mixed bunch I thought WHAT !!!!! haha, but they are wonderful friends and I am so glad they really look out for one another.....Oh dear I am going right off track again, so sorry.

I have made a card, I saw this image from Lisa Twistoon and loved it, had to have and so here it is.

 Coloured with a mix of Copics and Prisma pencils, has anyone else noticed how pens are drying up faster than ever, not changed storage place, just find it odd. The little sign is blank so you can add anything you like on that bit, quite useful.

The waxed thread is from my stash and I layered it up on darker card from PM.

Thats that, hope you like.

One last thing, sweet granddaughters cat, was missing for a while last week, well everyone was out looking for her, I can't get about with my back still doing 'its thing', but I looked up from my garden chair and can you see who was just sat there enjoying the fuss...haha

I thought it was funny anyway, haha...

So sorry about going on so much. I hope your all keeping well and staying safe. Be back soon as I am doing a GDT for CC next week...I think, oh best check that one....


crafty-stamper said...

Can't believe how quickly it's flying past! Sounds like Mia and her friends know what they are doing and good to hear they are all looking out for each other.Glad to hear the cat turned up okay-ours never go far -in and out like yoyos lol.Great card and love the cute gnome beautifully coloured-love the background sky too-hope you back eases soon
Carol x

As.I.Do.Rodos. said...

Good luck to Mia I am sure she will be okay and enjoy her time there.
Love your card great design.
Thank you for all the wonderful comments and kindly asking after John who is slowly on the mend. Thank you for being a good friend.
Hugs Ginny
My Blog As I do Rodos

Caz said...

Hi Janette
Loving your card..i nearly bought that image earlier...As for markers drying up...I've had promarkers for years, since I first started colouring, and are still fine.. Only pens im finding that dry up quick are spectrum nior and there trieblends..So wont waste money on them anymore...But i do need to add to promarker collection..I have some prisma pencils, not used much..must get them out..
Hope your well...

Caz xx

Jackie T said...

Hi Janette this is a fantastic card. I love that image. Take care. Hugs Jackie

Chrissy said...

Gosh the time goes doesn't it and how wonderful to have a close knit of friends, someone to watch your back, I really hope it all goes well for them..I love your sweet fun little gnome girl and her sign post, fabulous colouring and I think the pens dry up through lack of use, some of mine came alive again with using them a bit after cleaning the nibs in alcohol, one for me, one for the nib, what a great day,love your sky and good to see her grounded as they say....Holly went missing not too long ago as well, and I was getting a bit beside myself, I called and called and unlocked the garage to check, went down the back in case she was stranded by the Rottie she was first bought up with, but no, nothing, then I sat down and looked across the room and there on the dinning chair was her majesty, tucked under table with that look.." Mummy, you are so funny"..
[sigh]..damn cat..and the drum set die was from WISH


Aunty Sue said...

What a fab image and card Janette I bet you cant wait for her to come back for the summer and so pleased she has found good friends. As for the cat she is a cutie.

Doreen said...

What a fabulous image, love your

The Crowned Goat said...

I know it's a huge step and an exciting time for your daughter to move off-campus, Janette. My baby sister also lived with 7 other girls during her college years and loved it. In fact, they're all still friends and were each other's bridesmaids. Several of them even have kids now so it's been fun to watch them go through all the different phases of life. Glad you guys located the cat and I hope your back is on the mend soon too. It took mine almost 4 weeks to recover so hang in there! Big hugs, CoCo PS: Love your card - it's fabulous!

Lisa said...

Super cute image and I love that you can add any sentiment to the sign. Great coloring with copics and pencils. Glad you found Luna sitting in the tree.

Sue said...

Gorgeous card Janette hugs Sue x

Faith A at Daffodil Cards said...

Your card is amazing Janette, gorgeous colouring. As for your daughter and Uni, it's hard to see them fly isn't it? But so good when they have friends and another life growing up. Happy you found the cat too.
Faith x

Brenda said...

I loved your post, Janette. So good to hear about your life/family. Sounds like all is well, except your back. I love your card with the beautifully colored gnomie girl. Iʻm finding some of my Copic dry too, not sure if it is lack of use or old age, but Iʻm in the process of trying to figure my favorites so I can downsized. Time really does fly!

aussie aNNie said...

Beautiful, lovely design and those colours work well together ♥

Chris said...

Gosh, that first year has gone so fast! You'll enjoy having Mia home for the summer! It's lovely that she has made a great set of friends to set up house with next year, my daughter is still in touch with her uni friends 24 years later even though though all live in different parts of the country.
That's a cheeky little cat- I would have it found it funny too!
Gorgeous card- that's such a cute little gnome and beautiful colouring. Sorry your back is still giving you problems. xx

Lee said...

Your card is just adorable.Look at naughty Luna ha ha.xx

pinky said...

I am sure Mia will be fine, she sounds like a very sensible girl! I absolutely love your card today, super cute! Luna has the right idea. I could do with climbing up a tree for a while to escape the madness!

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