

Tuesday, 16 May 2023

Accidental tag....


Good morning all, I hope yours is as sunny as ours, yesterday was such a glorious day, hot in the sun and a breeze that dried all my washing on the line, always a sight I love to see....does that make me old haha  probably...oh well.

Onto the Tag, I had this image coloured up for ages, it was laying around and then yesterday I decided to cut it out and use it maybe in my journal, as I put it down on the desk it landed on a piece of black card I was playing with and I thought, how nice does that look, so the deckle edge trimmer came out to play and  then I made a mask for when the splash down came, THEN, I  thought why not just splash it all, so I did, l am not made keen on the blob that landed but that's ok, still made a nice tag Phew, sorry about that...haha Oddly after I took these pics, I added some white wax cord which looks nice. 

The sentiment is a TH one form a book I use so often.

That's all, so sorry this post was on the long side, hope you managed to get this far. BTW, I finally managed to finish a card for my friends grandson who will be three shortly, once I have posted to her I will post on here, it took three attempts with various images, honestly I have no idea why....but there we go.

Have a lovely day or evening wherever you may be, take care.xx


Chris said...

Those gorgeous tulips look wonderful on the black background. Fabulous colouring, thought the flowers were a print out at first. The white splatters look lovely too- all-in-all a beautiful tag.
Lovely weather here too- a bit of a nip in the wind but warm in the sun, as you say perfect for getting the washing dry! xx

Faith A at Daffodil Cards said...

I love your orange tulips and splotty background, gorgeous work Janette. The sentiment is so beautiful. As for the washing, isn't it lovely weather for washing? Love it, I'm looking for lots, while it stays like this.
Faith x

crafty-stamper said...

Love the gorgeous tulips and beautifully coloured -look brilliant against the black splattered background. After a warm start yesterday -then rain- cleared up to get three loads of washing dry and two more between showers today,so any spare sunshine feel free to send our way.
Carol x

Sue said...

Love this Janette it's really pretty..I've done lots of washing while the weather is nice here lol hugs xx

Chrissy said...

Beautiful coloured Tulips Janette and a gorgeous tag with a blob also..I don't mind blobs, adds character and I love the black background..fabulous tag..glad you have the little fellows card sorted and looking forward to seeing that..


Aunty Sue said...

Beautiful tag awesome colouring and no washing to be done here all hung and dried too. I even bought couple of new clothes props. Cant wait to see this card for Rory he would have loved your 1st attempt. Where did those 3 years go.

As.I.Do.Rodos. said...

Stunning colouring of the tulips fantastic tag. Hope you are well hugs Ginny
My Blog As I do Rodos

chrissy xx said...

Wow! These tulips really do stand out Janette.
FABulous colouring and design..
Who doesn't love a little splash.

Curly said...

Wow Wow Wowzers, those Tulips look amazingly real! i love the black background, there was no accident about this tag what so ever...... its so very beautiful
Have a lovely rest of the week
Hugs Bridget xx

Mrs.B said...

Those tulips look fabulous on the black and the white splatters add a great dimension to the tag.
Our weather has been a bit mixed but it's supposed to be a good weekend. Fingers crossed.
Avril xx

Margarets designer cards said...

Beautiful tulips and lovely colouring, looks great on the black card, certainly brings out the colour of the tulips.
At last some lovely weather I am catching up on my washing, long may it continue

pinky said...

Well that was a bit of happy inspiration Janette and it looks stunning against the black. The blobs look perfect to me, big and small! I hate it when you struggle putting a card together. I was like that this morning but eventually got there lol.

creationsnz said...

Great job Janette. SOmetimes the accidental stuff is the most satisfying! CarolG

Brenda said...

Wow! I absolutely love the way the yellow pops on that black and your splatters are masterful. Iʻm always in awe of everyoneʻs splatters, they are just so artistic.

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