

Thursday, 21 November 2024

A few tags..


Good morning lovely people, hope your all enjoying this frost and snow we are having...( sorry I just love it )

Before I show my tags to you' can I ask if anyone has had any trouble following new blogs. Well I have, at first I thought it was just a blogger  problem but apparently its happening all the time, that means you have no chance of getting any new followers either, its hard enough now without this, so, if you have any info; please tell.


Right onto my tags, I always give our postie and delivery guy a bottle of something for Christmas, saw these bottle bags on Temu and got them, so made some tags to go with, thought the black was ok with it being men, am I wrong, hope not, Mia likes them so I took that as a good sign, hahaha.

This is the line up, one to spare in case, simply stencilled in gold and rubbed round the edge and added some gold string. Wrote on them  with gold pen.

These are ready to go when we get abit nearer. Two good wines and one Whiskey, well Ian is a good Scot and likes a tipple and he has been our post man for years, always helpful and a real good sort, harder to find now. Hope they are ok and not to 'dark' for Christmas time. Anyway thats it for today, I am not able to get in the craft room this week really, its far to cold and its a fridge in there unless the sun comes out and warms it up for me. I hope you all managed to stay warm and well. Take care.


Chris said...

Love your tags Janette, I really like the black with the gold, looks very classy- I like the bags too, so much nicer than paper ones, need to get out the sewing machine and make a few. I'm sure your postie and delivery man will be very happy to receive these. We seem to get a new postman every other week and never see the same delivery guy twice.
No snow here yet, much to hubby's disappointment and my delight- doesn't seem to come this far south very often now. I can remember a time when it snowed every year but I guess that's climate change.

Aunty Sue said...

Janette cant help with your problem. Love the tags no wonder your on 1st names wiyh postie. Love looking at the snow but gteat getting Rory to school 4 times on the trot been accidents thankfully not mine but motorway closed. Hope it warms up soon heating wont go off

As.I.Do.Rodos. said...

Loving the tags and I like the colour the gold snowflakes shine up. I like looking at the snow when I don't have to go anywhere ☺ Take care and keep warm Ginny ♥

crafty-stamper said...

Love your gold embossed tags -very elegant, love the bags too. I have had trouble following new blogs too, thought it was my security! No I don't like the cold and snow, can't seem to stand the cold like I used too and Tues we woke up to no boiler for the second time in two weeks so no hot water or heating all day until it was fixed!!! We never seem to have the same postman for long plus the longest one disappeared last month and have just found out he retired. I brought the craft stuff I have left downstairs and in a unit in the front room so don't have to move far lol.
Carol x

Chrissy said...

Black and gold are perfect Janette, love the bags and love the gold embossing on the tags..Ive run out of that gold cord and cannot find it anymore, ordered one off Temu and it nearly blinded me it was so orange - for blogging lately it is a nightmare, I cannot comment on so many, and makes DT stuff very difficult, I says I have to log in to google, so I do, which alone is a pain, then I go to comment and it says..log in to google to comment, yikes, I cannot comment on so many.
Stay warm, we are having the coldest Spring ever, it is so cold at night and early morning...crazy..


Lisa said...

Your tags are fantastic! The black and gold combination looks very classy, and the gold string and pen details add a lovely touch. The bottle bags from Temu are a great idea, and I'm sure your postie and delivery guy will appreciate the thoughtful gifts.

pinky said...

So gorgeous Janette. The presents now look so elegant and expensive!! We seem to get a different postman every couple of weeks unfortunately so whoever is lucky enough to call near Christmas gets the present! No snow worth talking about here thank goodness. It's nice to look at but not too good for walking in lol.

Faith A at Daffodil Cards said...

Definitely not dark, I think the black and gold are very sophisticated and beautiful too, I'm sure they will be impressed with the packaging and the present too. SO kind of you. We have a great postie, although he gets changed about frequently. x

aussie aNNie said...

Stunning and Beautiful tags, very creative ♥

Brenda said...

I personally think the black and gold is not only very elegant, but also very festive. Well done, Janette.

creationsnz said...

Gosh Janette you have such good ideas - these are so stylish! CarolG

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