

Thursday, 5 December 2024

A few little envelopes...


Hello everyone, sorry its been awhile since I posted but things were hectic here and I wasn't at my best, anyway, yesterday I sat in the kitchen and made a few money envelopes, these gorgeous papers are my latest grab from Temu, the designs are just gorgeous  and I couldn't resist using them for Christmas.

I simply did the fold and cut, then snipped the edges with my good old reliable rounder, honestly I have had that for years, Sizzex, fingers crossed it will carry on. This is them before I stuck the edges together.

This is them all ready to be filled with my cash, I am glad some of them still want cash, I hate the thought of a cashless society...But, those papers, do you agree they are stunning or is it just me.....
I am almost there with the gift shopping now, a few wanted GV and they are done, the little ones are getting gifts of course and I always have something for everyone to open, it wouldn't right not to, I still get excited with a gift do you .....
Thats about it for now, I will try to post again before the big day.
Do hope you are all keeping well, oh and BTW, I hope by now you have all had a card from me. Only a few have told me when they got theres, now heres the odd bit, I posted out before the end of November and so far they have all been arriving at odd times, hope you get one anyway.


As.I.Do.Rodos. said...

They are wonderful I am sure they will be loved by whoever receives them. Hugs Ginny x

Chris said...

I do agree Janette, the papers are stunning and the finished envelopes are beautiful. I need to get cracking with some myself.
Have been busy writing Christmas cards- and realising that I do need more- always the way! Hope to get them posted by early next week.... Wrapped the gifts for the little granddaughters, bit of a marathon but at least the older girls want money this year so only a few bits and bobs to wrap for them...then I'll get started on the rest.
You sound as if you're really well prepared Janette, take care and enjoy the run up to the festivities.

crafty-stamper said...

WOW i agree those papers are stunning! Love all the envelopes -I also agree about the cashless society, I did receive an absolutely beautiful card off you Janette-Thank you.
Carol x

Chrissy said...

The papers are gorgeous Janette, I love the water colour look, and love your money holders, no card yet, I always tell you when I get one, if you sent me one, ha ha ha, counting my chickens..yours should be there soon too..I'm all done and I get so excited about some of the gifts I'm giving this year as I really tried and put a lot of thought into them, so fingers crossed..I'm always very grateful for any gift I get, no matter what, but some...need I say.." I don't do STUFF" is what someone said so this year they get



NGCARDS said...

These are gorgeous, a wonderful idea for small gifts! Thank you also for the comment over on my blog :) xxx

Lisa said...

Oh my goodness that paper is amazing! Wow what great paper to use for gift card holders / money holders. Really beautiful imagery. If I got a gift card holder with this paper, I would try to save the paper just to look at the beautiful imagery again.

pinky said...

Your papers are absolutely gorgeous, love the envelopes. Definitely make a great gift for anyone who wants money, which a lot do now lol. I'm like you, everyone needs to get something for sure and I love shopping for the younger ones! I posted my cards out early too trying to avoid any hassle but only know a few who received them. Hopefully they have all got them by now though.

Brenda said...

Absolutely beautiful papers which resulted in gorgeous, thoughtful envelopes!

creationsnz said...

Oooh love those papers too, no wonder you couldnt resist. CarolG

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