

Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Birthday update.


Yesterday was my birthday, I want to say a big thankyou to all who sent cards, flowers and messages. I was completely ruined by my family, silly thing was I told Carla last week, not to make a fuss and buy a silly balloon with the big number on for all to see !! that was my first mistake. She put on a lovely buffet for us all on Saturday, as I walked in the house was filled with giant balloons :)) then she followed me down the road as I went back to my house, next day I saw her passing by the window carrying more balloons, haha, so, here are some of the cards and the now infamous balloons, there are more just couldn't get them all in, even a big crown, how long do they take to go down, I want to know hahaha.

As you and all my neighbours can see, I am now 70 years old and cannot believe it, I think I am still a young person in my head, well until I look in the mirror anyway, haha. 

Thanks for a lovely day.


As.I.Do.Rodos. said...

Lots of lovely balloons and cards congratulations on your 70th birthday. I am a few years ahead of you .
I hope my card arrived on time for the big day.
Sending a BIG hug from one septuagenarian to another LOL ♥

Chris said...

Hi Janette, looks as if you had a wonderful birthday, I didn't realise it was a 'big number' but I think everyone knows now! It's lovely that your family made such a big fuss of you, you deserve it!!
I know exactly what you mean about still being young in your head...and the mirror! My sister and I laugh a lot about old ladies in our mirrors getting in the way of us looking at our lovely young reflections!
Hope your card arrived on time- I know I posted it but can't remember when, life here has been a tad disorganised and hectic over the last week!

Chrissy said...

Congratulations Janette and a very happy birthday, I'm right on your tail in April and really on edge as my daughter is making plans to torment me all your balloons which can takes a couple of weeks to deflate, and all your cards..awesome.


aussie aNNie said...

Happy birthday young lady, sending hugs n kisses across the miles x

chrissy xx said...

Sending Birthday Wishes for yesterday!
Sounds as though you've having a great time Janettee.
Your Balloons...The warmer they are kept?
The longer they will say up lol....just saying. x

pinky said...

That's class Janette. I would be scundered lol. My family did that when I turned 60 and I am still getting over it! Reaching 70 will be my next milestone. Enjoy it and ban all the mirrors lol.

mamawcindy said...

Sounds and looks like you had a wonderful birthday. Love all the balloons. I see that your birthday is just a little after mine. Happy Birthday to you!

Lisa said...

Happy Birthday, Janette! Your birthday celebration sounds delightful! The giant balloons and all the cards and flowers must have made the day so special. It's wonderful to hear how much your family spoiled you, even if it meant being followed by balloons! I can relate to feeling young in spirit despite the milestone birthday. Lovely post and such a heartwarming account of your special day!

Sue said...

Happy belated 70th birthday Janette! lots of hugs xxx

Margarets designer cards said...

Looks like you were in balloon haven, I am glad you had a wonderful birthday, you are only eigthteen months ahead of me,

creationsnz said...

Congratulations on your birthday Janette, another milestone to tick off.So glad you got spoiled on your special day, and have the balloons to make your birthday last longer. CarolG

Mrs.B said...

Oh a very belated Happy Birthday Janette, sounds like you had a wonderful time and lots of balloons!

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