

Sunday 18 February 2024

Desperate bid to create something....


Hello my lovely blogger friends, it feels like forever since I actually managed to get in the craft room and make something, anything, but things have been happening here and I just couldn't get in..!!!

Anyways, I went in the room today and found this image, half done before Christmas, so why not, as you can see for yourselves I just layered up onto some navy and then white cardstock.

I did some splashing as you can see and just wrote the sentiment on.

Inside just a couple of dies in the navy card.

Thats about it really, nothing wonderful but it got my head out of everything I have tried to cover up these last few weeks, but it was good to be in there.


Here's what's been happening....

Just after new year my daughter was rushed into hospital again, I was worried as last time it was Sepsis and this sounded very similar, anyways they had her on a drip and lots of morphine for a few days, she has been so ill, she got home and very unlike Carla, has done very little, she has to go back for further tests, her School have been amazing with her, but its awful isn't it. I can't go into details but she isn't out of the woods yet, fingers crossed and lots of talks with the main man upstairs, I will let you know how she goes on. Of course this all impacts everyone around her but so long as she is ok, I really don't care....I can cope with my own health problems but when it comes to our children, well, it never gets easier does it, no matter how old they get...sorry about all this, but I wanted to let you know why I am so amiss with my blog.

Thanks so much for all the understanding, I always appreciate every single one of you.


Chrissy said...

I love the navy and white layers and this gorgeous image coloured beautifully Janette and look at you with your lovely writing doing you own sentiment, it all looks for your daughter I do hope she is okay and sending prayers of healing her way and to you too, take care and look after yourself as well..


pinky said...

Oh Janette. I will keep Carla in my prayers for a speedy and complete recovery. I totally understand your worry. Our kids come first no matter what age and no matter how we feel!! I do love your gorgeous card and glad that you got a bit of headspace.

crafty-stamper said...

Beautiful card Janette,love the splatters and gorgeous image. Oh my word so sorry to hear your Daughter has been so ill,no wonder you haven't felt like crafting!I do hope her tests are okay and she makes a complete recovery-you take care too.
Carol x

Chris said...

Oh Janette, I am so sorry to read about your daughter and her illness, you must be frantic with worry. It doesn't matter what age they are our children are always precious, we will always be their Mums and worry about them when they ill. I hope there will be better news about her health very soon.

Oh nearly forgot the's gorgeous, I always love a Mo image and this one is such a sweetie, the navy background sets her off perfectly.
I'll be thinking of you and your family, sending hugs

Aunty Sue said...

Hi Janette sorry to hear Carla still isnt right our Children no matter the age are always our babies and their hurt is ours. Hope she is feeling much better soon. As for the card it is fab love the colour choice and wish my hand writing was as good. Take care flower.

As.I.Do.Rodos. said...

So sorry to hear about Carla sending my love for her speedy recovery. And big hugs for you what a nightmare for you take care dear friend.
I think you card is beautiful as aways.
sent with love Ginny
My Blog As I do Rodos

chrissy xx said...

Such a worrying time for you all Janette. It's no wonder you've not been in your crafting space. Hope she feels better soon.

Faith A at Daffodil Cards said...

I am sooo sorry to hear about your daughter and her illness, what a worrying time for you all, I will pray she gets better soon. As for crafting, you need time and space to get through all this.

I forgot to say how I loved your card, impressed with your beautiful writing of the sentiment. hugs to you all x

Brenda said...

I do hope your daughter is showing improvement. I will keep her in my prayers. Your cards is so lovely, aren't you glad you have your creating as an outlet.

Lisa said...

The navy and white really make this sweet image pop. I love seeing the inside of the card too. I fear I don't do the insides of my cards much and am always on the lookout to see how others do the insides of their cards.

Curly said...

Stunning card Janette I really love the navy background its brings your amazing colouring to life.
Sending prayers and healing hugs to Carla and lots of supporting hugs to you.much love to you all
hugs Bridget xx

aussie aNNie said...

So cute and lovely card love how you have designed this .... xx

Faith A at Daffodil Cards said...

Just a quickie, to say hope all OK with you and your daughter. You're in my thoughts x

Lisa said...

Jeanette, been thinking about you and your daughter. Sending prayers every day.

crafty-stamper said...

Just came by to check your blog and wondered if there was an update on your Daughter and hope she is recovering.
Carol x

crafty-stamper said...

Hi Janette just came by to check your blog and see if there was an update on your Daughter,do hope she is recovering.
Carol x

creationsnz said...

Hi Janette, So sorry to hear your Carla is so unwell. I hope things are getting better for you and Carla by now Sending warmest wishes to you both.

And BTW glad to see your fab card - and glad to hear you made it to yoru craft room - sounds like you could use the therapy.

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