Managed to get shut of a few more bits and bobs that have been lying around forever.
A very simple page today, the background is inked with distress inks, then I found some rub ons that have been in the drawer far to long, so they have a spot, and then some little stickers plus a sentiment tab, a few splashes, of course, and that was enough as by this time I was melting.
Here are the rub ons I used, they are 49th and Market I think.
Thats all for now, short and sweet as I know all the UK are basking while we still have some sunshine, fingers crossed it will last abit longer, heaven knows we waited long enough.
Have a lovely day.
That page is beautiful Janette, I love the delicate background, those rub ons look like stamps. It's so good to have summer at last- I'm lucky in that it's still lovely and cool in my craft room so I can come in from the garden and chill for a bit if I get too warm. It's good because Marvin come in with me and cools down too, so glad i'm not wearing a fur coat like his!
Enjoy the sunshine, take care and keep cool.
Beautiful card Janette,love all the bits and bobs and great inky background.
Carol x
oops sorry just realised I said card not page-automatic sorry engage brain next time lol.
Carol x
Such a lovely page janette and love the sentiment so true
Lovely page's been tooooooo warm lol we've been busy with family up from Sussex..All 6 of them!! lol and we had a day out in Whitby and Paul tried out his new scooter we bought and then when they departed I had a trip to Liverpool to see our Son I've been MIA on the commenting just a bit! take care hugs Sue x
Oh my goodness that is just beautiful and a great colour theme x
A lovely page Janette, love the pastel shades in the background with the vintage images, so pretty.
Avril xx
Your card is wonderfully creative! The distressed ink background, combined with the long-forgotten rub-ons and charming stickers, brings everything together beautifully, making a lovely and cohesive design.
Beautiful page and nice toi use up something from stash
Yes its about time we had some sunshine, although we did have some drizzle this morning, but of course my garden usually gets watered when glastonbury is on. We have heard it for a couple of nights, but the wind changed so last night was peaceful
I'm jealous as there is little to no sunshine here and cold winds!! Seriously like! I do love your gorgeous project though Janette!
GORgeous! I LOve these colours Janette.
Never used rub ons.....Mmmmm.
Not very warm this morning, seems we are back to 'normal'.
Great blog
You are quite the mixed media princess. Love this beautiful combination of good stuff.
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